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2024年第4期  点击:[]

张余萍 孙雨薇 陈娟娟

(浙江大学 教育学院,浙江 杭州 310000)

【摘 要】协作问题解决是被广泛应用于批判性思维培养的重要教学手段,但其实践效果在普遍的问题导向教学中却并未达到预期。究其原因,协作问题解决本质上是一个复杂的系统,涉及学生的动机、社会互动和信息技术的使用等多重因素的交互影响。这些关键因素的具体作用机制与相互关系仍需深入探索。因此,本研究基于社会建构主义理论和自我决定理论基础,探讨了包括动机、社会互动和信息技术的使用多个要素在内的协作问题解决对批判性思维的影响机制,探究多项要素的相互作用。研究采用自主开发的问卷工具评估了700名本科生的批判性思维水平、协作问题解决参与经验、动机、社会互动以及信息技术的使用情况,运用偏最小二乘法结构方程模型进行了数据分析。研究结果显示:动机和社会互动起到了中介作用,而信息技术的使用对协作问题解决与社会互动、批判性思维之间的关系均产生了负向调节作用。研究进一步揭示了协作问题解决对学生批判性思维发展的影响机制,并为通过协作问题解决培养学生批判性思维的教育工作者提供了理论支持和实践启示。


Influence Mechanism of Collaborative Problem-Solving on College Students' Critical Thinking: An Analysis of Moderated Mediating Effects

ZHANG Yuping, SUN Yuwei and CHEN Juanjuan

(College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310000, China)

Abstract: Collaborative problem-solving is a widely used teaching method for cultivating critical thinking, but its practical effects have not yet met expectations in general problem-oriented teaching. Reasons might be the complex nature of collaborative problem-solving involves the interplay of multiple factors, such as students’ motivation, social interaction, and the use of ICT (information and communications technology). Based in social constructivism and self-determination theory, this article explored the influence of collaborative problem-solving on critical thinking, and how motivation, social interaction, and ICT use interplay on mediating effects. A self-developed questionnaire was used to assess the critical thinking level, collaborative problem-solving experience, motivation, social interaction, and ICT use of 700 undergraduate students. PLS-SEM was employed for data analysis. Results showed that motivation and social interaction played a mediating role in the relationship between collaborative problem-solving and critical thinking, whereas the use of ICT was found to have a negative moderating effect on the relationships between collaborative problem-solving and both social interaction and critical thinking. The findings highlight the influence mechanism of collaborative problem-solving on critical thinking. It is expected to provide theoretical and practical insights for educators seeking to cultivate students’ critical thinking through collaborative problem-solving approaches.

Keywords: collaborative problem-solving (CPS); critical thinking; information and communications technology (ICT); motivation;

social interaction

下载: 大学生协作问题解决学习对批判性思维的影响机制研究.pdf

